
Animals in danger

Activity: Write a report about an endangered animal.


  1. You will work in pairs.
  2. You will write the following address: http://www.teachthechildrenwell.com
  3. You will click on “Animals”
  4. You will click on “Endangered species”
  5. You will click on “Especies”
  6. There you will find a long list of all the animals which are in danger around the world.
  7. Choose one of those animals.
  8. Based on the following guide, write a report on the animal you have chosen:

    • Name of the animal
    • Kind of animal (mammal, insect, etc.)
    • Habitat (where the animal lives)
    • How long it lives
    • Food
    • Habits
    • Short description
    • Special or interesting features

  1. Once you finish writing, find photos or images about your chosen animal.
  2. Enter the same address:


  1. Then click on: “Endangered Species” and then enter these links to find your images or photos.

American Museum of Natural History
Biodiversity Hotspots
Defenders of Wildlife
Endangered Animals
Endangered Animals of the World
Endangered Earth
Endangered Ecosystems
Endangered Means There's Still Time
Endangered Species Program
Endangered and Threatened Species
Global Species Programme
Marilee's Endangered Animals Links
Mission: Endangered Species
Threatened and Endangered Animals and Plants
The Wild Ones

10. Click on this link: “Endangered Means There's Still Time” and play the game which says FUN


Parts of the computer

Para repasar el vocabulario conocido y aprender nueva terminología en relación a las diferentes componentes de una PC, los chicos realizaron distintas actividades durante las 3 primeras semanas de clases en el ITlab.

En Ms Word relacionamos imagen con texto mediante la utilización de los elementos gráficos (líneas) de la barra de dibujo.

En Ms Excel trabajamos en la selección del nombre del componente correcto manipulando objetos de formularios.
Créditos: http://www.computerlabkids.com/parts.htm


Repasando en Lengua

En esta primer semana de clases estuvimos realizando un repaso en Lengua, con las actividades que preparó Sandra en su mágico programa de autor: JClic.

Repaso de verbos

Repaso de sustantivos colectivos e individuales

Repaso de plurales de...